Saturday, February 14, 2009

In the Beginning....

Well today is the first day I'm becoming a blogger. I have no idea yet what I want to share. How I'm going to share it. Who will ever read this. How to set this up to be attractive, crafty and creative. And whether or not I'm crazy for even spending time doing this. However, it feels good....Maybe I just need a place to capture life. Jot down my thoughts. Catch the everyday moments that I think so many people take for granted. Yes that includes me, unfortunately.

I've had full intentions of capturing my thoughts in journals and such and well that takes time....of which I can't seem to find enough of. So if I capture the stuff here that can be shared I'll be able to reflect and use it as some of the journaling on my scrapbook pages.

So if you have any advice on how to personalize this blog, lessons learned you've had through your journey or just plain old encouragement that I'm not completely crazy for wanting to do this. I would very much appreciate it!!

I'll have to figure out if this was a crazy idea starting a blog. I went back to work full time January 5th, four months after the birth of our son Matthew. That in itself has been interesting and difficult and keeps me guessing at what balance means in my life. I also signed up for Stacy Julian's class, Library of Memories (LOM). I'm so very excited about the class. Thankfully it began this past week! YEAHHHH! Hopefully I can add a few posts about my journey with that process as well. Hmmm am I biting off more than I can chew???? I guess we will see.

I added a picture of Matthew that makes me smile. I figure this will help me with motivation!!! This is the picture I have on my desk at work as well. I LOVE the smirk on his face.

Well here we go...... wish me luck!


  1. ;-)) aaw Matthew is sooo cute!
    Good luck with the blog! ;-)

  2. Ur son is adorable... I've been blogging for years and the best advice, make your blog your own.. and this is how blogging works... the more comments u make on others' blogs, the more comments u get on your own.. that's just how it works.. congrats for joining the rest of us! hugs see u in LOM.. hugs, bonnierose

  3. Welcome to blog world! Good Luck with it all. Looks great so far. Matthew is just the cutest!!! See you in class!

  4. Hi there - saw your post on my blog, so wanted to check out your brand new one! When I first started my blog (seems like forever ago now), I had no idea about any of it, just like you. In the beginning I didn't even share it with my family because I thought they might think it was silly :)
    When I got pregnant, I finally encouraged them to visit it so they could keep up with me (all of my immediate family, except my sister, live in other towns). Now it's become such an asset and my family loves getting updates on it.
    I love having somewhere to share *whatever*. Regardless of whether it's about scrapbooking, family, my pregnancy, a movie I just watched,'s MY blog, I can do what I want LOL. I think you will enjoy having one.

    On another note - I am due with a boy anyday now (ok, 10 days...but I'm ready whenever he is). My hubby's name is Matt(hew) and it's also my stepson's middle name. LOVE the photo of your little Matthew. I'm in love with blue/brown for little boys and that outfit is SO SUPER CUTE. I will be going back to work full time after about 10 weeks at home with the baby, so I will be feeling your pain very soon.
    Very nice to "meet" you.

  5. Hello and welcome to blog land. I have only been doing this for a while too! You are off to a great start! Cute, cute, cute baby! Can't wait to see more!

    If you have any questions feel free to get a hold of me. I'm an alum for LOM and have been using the system like crazy. LOVE it!

  6. Hi Brenda! Glad you got started with your blog! Congrats - you have done a great job so far!

    Your son is adorable...I would love that sweater and hat for my little guy!

    See you in class and I'll be sure to check out your blog again!


  7. What a cutie your son is! I know how hard it is to get back to work after being home with your baby. I am a LOM alum from '08 it is a great journey to be on. I hope to refresh in some areas and finish up others I just didn't get to last year. You will love the system though. It is such a great way to focus your scrapbooking and capture what is important.

    And congratulations on becoming a blogger. I find it helps capture things in my life that I want to use in my scrapbooking.

    See you at LOM!

  8. Hi Brenda. Thanks for your comment. It's nice to meet you through LOM and the blogosphere.

    My two cents for what it's worth is to not let the LOM class or your new blog become a source of stress or guilt.

    What I realized last year in LOM is that we all set up our systems at our own pace. Whatever you are able to accomplish is GREAT. Remember that it's a process. And like all processes, it takes time. Be patient with yourself. And remember that it's OKAY (Stacy will remind you of this again and again) if you don't feel like you're "keeping pace." Oh, and one more thing - don't be afraid to chat on the message board. However you're feeling about your progress at a given time, there are bound to be several more of of us that are in your boat.

    And as for bloggy land, there are no rules. When I first set up my blog, it quickly became a source of stress and guilt because I felt like I HAD to have a focus, I HAD to blog everyday, yadda yadda. Not so. Your blog is just that: yours. You can write about whatever you want whenever you want. And don't be afraid to play. I have found that my blog is a great way for me to record details about events that I will probably one day want to scrapbook. But it's also been a fabulous way to begin and foster relationships with people. Online friends can be just as wonderful as IRL (in real life) friends.

    I hope that both the LOM class and your blog will bring you lots of enjoyment, Brenda! I look forward to chatting with you in both worlds. :)

  9. Hi - I'm actually responding to your blog comment on my nursery (in blue & brown). What's funny is that room was our guest room before I got pregnant. We never did much in the way of decorating (probably because we knew it might be a nursery eventually), but my intention the whole time was to do something like teal and brown. Kind of funny that even after the purpose of the room totally changed, the color scheme didn't change all that much :)
